New Bern
If you would like to know more about the city that we live and work in; This is the official website of the tourist center.
New Bern Grand Marina
If you would like to know more about the marina that we use as our tour boat base of operations; This is the official website of the marina.
Double Tree by Hilton Hotel
The closest place to stay to our boarding dock. They also have a restaurant.
Aerie Bed and Breakfast
If you are looking for something different than a hotel. The Aerie is an award-winning New Bern bed and breakfast.
KOA Holiday Campground
Situated in Bridgeton, NCĀ just across the Neuse River from New Bern and with access to the river.
Duck Creek Boatyard
Situated across the Neuse River from New Bern this is where we do our own boat maintenance if our vessels has to be out of the water to do so.
Duffy Boats
If you would like to know more about the vessel that we use as our tour boat; This is the official website of the manufacturer.